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The Water carrier (20 January - 18 February)
The eleventh sign of the zodiac is concerned with
  • scientific analysis, experimentation, detachment
  • friendship, courtesy, kindness, tranquility
  • mystery, intrigues, magic, genius, originality
  • eccentricity, independence, humanitarian issues
  • fame, recognition, politics, creative arts
  • electricity, magnetism, telecommunications
Elemental quality
Aquarius is the fixed air sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to a paraglider, jumping off the earth to explore a rainbow, yet aware of the practicalities of thermals and how to ensure a safe landing. Air represents the mind and the ability to think; Aquarian ideas may be unusual or even original, but once formed, they tend to remain fixed. Fixed air, in brief, is a metaphor for fixed opinions.

Spiritual goal
To learn how to develop true self-confidence.
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