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The Ram (21 March - 19 April )
The first sign of the zodiac is concerned with
  • self-assertion, initiation, new beginnings
  • action, daring, challenge, adventure
  • exploration, pioneering, discovering
  • aggression, creativity, personal goals
  • personal control of everything
  • competition, winning, being first
  • courage, honesty, nobility, openness
Elemental quality
Aries is the cardinal fire sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to a fire which gives direction, such as in a rocket, a gun or an engine. Superman and Superwoman, who can propel themselves in any direction, are good metaphors of Aries energy. Fire is a process that causes change and Aries uses energy to bring about changes. Being a cardinal sign, Aries is the most energetic of the fire signs and usually takes the initiative.

Spiritual goal
To learn the meaning of selfless love.
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