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The Sea goat (22 December - 19 January)
The tenth sign of the zodiac is concerned with
  • practicality, realism, hard work, accomplishment
  • planning, determination, persistence, success
  • high status, good quality, reputation
  • responsibility, difficulties, problems
  • paternalism, authority, discipline
  • money, wealth, long-term projects
  • wisdom, loyalty, sensitivity to beauty
Elemental quality
Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to the oldest and most valuable tree in the forest.
Sure-footed and thoroughly practical, in the end the Capricorn goat always reaches the heights, beating others who are faster but less determined. The cardinal signs must put their resources to good use. Earth resources represent practical skills: material, financial and social resources that can be used to further an ambition.

Spiritual goal
To learn to understand the feelings and needs of other people.
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