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The Scales (23 September - 22 October)
The seventh sign of the zodiac is concerned with
  • partnership, relationships
  • ideas, opinions, politics, diplomacy
  • music, harmony, balance, romance
  • tact, argument, self-control
  • good manners, personal appearance
  • refinement, sophistication, good taste
  • rational thought, ideas for social well-being
Elemental quality
Libra is the cardinal air sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to a finely tuned wind instrument, producing powerful, moving music in perfect harmony. Air is the breath of life, and cardinal air is a metaphor for ideas put into action. Libras are doers rather than thinkers, although they may spend a long period thinking about a situation before making a decision and acting upon it.

Spiritual goal
To learn the meaning of selfless love.
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