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The Archer (22 November - 21 December)
The ninth sign of the zodiac is concerned with
  • philosophy, idealism, religion, spiritual growth
  • optimism, positive outlook, forward planning
  • travel, freedom of movement, the outdoors
  • generosity, honesty, justice, morality
  • imagination, aspirations, open-mindedness
  • wit, intellect, flashes of intuition
  • generosity, pleasure, romance
Elemental quality
Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to stars, a thousand lighted candles, the sparks rising from a rapidly spreading grass fire. or the reflectors marking the route along the centre of a major road.
Fire changes substances and Sagittarians have a knack of transforming negative situations with their optimism. Mutable means adaptable. Sagittarians can adapt to almost any situation, whether earthly or spiritual.

Spiritual goal
To learn to use their talents to guide others.
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